guitar lessons

Mastering The Fretboard In Record Time

Learn where all the notes are fast and easy!

Have you ever wanted to learn all the notes on the fretboard of a guitar but every thing you tried just seemed to tedious, boring or repetitious? Or maybe you are a complete beginner who knows absolutely nothing about the guitar and you've never seen any methods that you didn't at least need to know the string names and how to tune a guitar.

Well, whether you don't know which end of the guitar is up or whether you have been playing for 30 years and still can't name every note on every string on every fret instantly...but would like to:

Rod's Guide to Fretboard Mastery is for you. It's the ONLY guide you will find that GUARANTEES you will master every note on the fretboard in just days, not months, with easy and fun techniques that anyone can learn.

Rod's techniques have never been taught anywhere else before because he developed them himself to teach himself and his methods literally work like magic.

In fact, he was so excited when he figured them out that he sent his wife a text with one of the 5-digit note codes and asked her to memorize it.

Now, Rod's wife has never tried to play a guitar in her life so the only thing she ever knew about them is that she liked to listen to them.

Anyway, when Rod got home from work he asked his wife if she had memorized the code and she recited it to him. Excitedly he sat her on the couch, went and got his guitar and placed it in her hands. He explained how the code worked and then she played it. When she looked at him like, "What?" he told her that she had just played every B note on the guitar.

She told him that he should teach it to others and so he put together his guide.

The guide is only 14 pages long but it's packed with everything you could ever hope to find for memorizing ALL the notes in record time.

There are a total of six techniques that will simply amaze you at how well they work together. He calls them:

    1) The “1-2-1-2-1” Technique:
    2) The “Note Code” Technique: (these are killer)
    3) The “5-Down 7-Up” Technique:
    4) The "Over 1 Up 2" and "Over 1 Up 3" Technique:
    5) The “BAG Fruit For Girls And Boys” Technique and
    6) The “Sharpen Up & Flatten Down” Technique

Why is it important to know all the notes?

Below are all the notes on a fretboard and with Rod's guide you will know them all super FAST!

Satisfaction Guaranteed!

And here's the best part. Rod offers a full, 60-day money back guarantee. If you aren't thrilled with the new techniques you will learn and if you haven't mastered the fretboard faster than you ever thought you could, simply ask for a refund. You will get it no questions asked. Plus, you get to keep the guide!

To learn how you can get this guide today and start mastering the fretboard in record time, visit this link:

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